Expert Recommendations for Eco-Friendly Lawn Alternatives

When it comes to landscaping and gardening, we often envision sprawling green lawns as the quintessential element of a beautiful outdoor space. However, maintaining traditional lawns comes with significant challenges, including high water consumption and limited support for pollinators. As we strive to create more sustainable and environmentally friendly gardens, it's essential to explore alternative ground covers that not only beautify our landscapes but also contribute positively to the ecosystem. I spoke with Chelsea, our Perennial Plant Buyer, who offered her top 3 ground cover recommendations, available at WSN:


1. Woolly Thyme: The Wonderful Carpet That Saves Water and Supports Wildlife

Amid growing concerns about water conservation, traditional lawns have faced scrutiny due to their high water demands. Enter Woolly Thyme, the "Wonderful Carpet" ground cover that offers an eco-friendly solution to the water-hungry lawn. With its ability to thrive in full sun and tolerate drought once established, Wooly Thyme significantly reduces water consumption, making it an excellent choice for water-wise gardening.

Moreover, Woolly Thyme acts as a natural seed suppressant, reducing the need for chemical herbicides and further supporting eco-conscious gardening practices. By replacing portions of your lawn with Woolly Thyme, you can create a lush, low-maintenance ground cover that not only saves water but also provides a haven for beneficial insects while minimizing excessive blooms that attract bees.


2. Bugleweed: Flowers that Flourish in Shaded Areas

Lawns can be particularly challenging to maintain in shaded areas, leading to patchy, uneven grass growth. Ajuga, also known as Bugleweed, offers an eco-friendly and visually appealing alternative for these less sunny spots. Its adaptability to part shade makes it a perfect choice for under-canopy planting, where traditional lawns may struggle.

By incorporating Ajuga into these shaded areas, you create a vibrant, low-growing ground cover that requires less water and maintenance compared to traditional grass lawns. Ajuga's beautiful blooms also play a crucial role in supporting pollinators, providing them with a valuable source of nectar and enhancing the biodiversity of your garden.


3. Hardy Plumbago: Seasonally Interesting with Eco-Friendly Benefits

Traditional lawns may lose their charm during the summer, as they require more water to stay lush and green. Hardy Plumbago, on the other hand, thrives during the summer months and beyond, blooming with striking blue flowers that attract pollinators and create a visually captivating spectacle.

By incorporating Hardy Plumbago as a ground cover, you add an eco-friendly touch to your landscape, reducing the overall water consumption required to maintain a vast lawn. Additionally, as the seasons change, Hardy Plumbago's foliage takes on a striking reddish-purple hue, further enhancing the beauty and seasonally interesting aspect of your garden.


Embrace Eco-Friendly Gardening with Alternative Ground Covers

As we become more conscious of the impact our gardening practices have on the environment, choosing alternative ground covers over traditional lawns is a step towards creating a more sustainable and pollinator-friendly landscape. Woolly Thyme, Ajuga, and Hardy Plumbago offer unique qualities that not only beautify your garden but also conserve water and support wildlife. If you are seeking a more popular option, microclover is also a great way to add a lush green carpet to outdoor spaces. Remember that gradual change is good - there is no need to tear up your entire lawn - and that small choices and contributions are better than no change!

At West Seattle Nursery, we are passionate about promoting eco-friendly gardening practices. By offering a diverse selection of alternative ground covers and perennial plants, we encourage gardeners to explore creative and sustainable ways to enhance their outdoor spaces.

Chloé Markovits